Just So There's No Confusion...

So what is Petri Dish? We define ourselves as “an experiment in culture.” That’s a cute little play-on-words but what exactly does it mean? Allow me to clarify, or at least attempt to clarify, just what it is that we are offering – what entrée we’re providing to this virtual pot-luck.

Culture. Now there’s a loaded word.

We’ve seen the Wire and the Corner, we’ve read the headlines, seen the statistics – Baltimore is a city with a crime problem. Poverty and AIDs are rampant, property theft and homicide threaten peace and Baltimore is developing a reputation Mr. Clean wouldn’t dare touch. So the stereotypes are right – eh, in a way. They’re accurate, but not entirely representative of the city. The rough patches are undeniable, at times overwhelming, but they’re not everything.

This is where Petri Dish comes in. As students of Loyola College, we have a unique perspective: that’s our advantage. We are a conglomeration of ideas, forged in our respective contexts and homogenized in Baltimore. So we’re bringing you Petri Dish as a vehicle for this perspective, a vehicle to showcase the hidden particles of culture hiding in the seams of Baltimore. Let’s explore. The national perceptions of Baltimore are written in permanent ink, but the pen is our tool as well. Let’s flip this city over and examine it belly-first.

Frustrated with the objectivity of the mass media, we’re out to impose well-formed, opinionated dialogue on culture. Our goal is to unapologetically summarize and critique cultural aspects of Charm City and beyond, opening up a forum of discussion. Petri Dish will be a site that promotes interaction and reaction. Don’t like our viewpoint? Bark back!

We can dish it out, but can you take it?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Papermoon Possibilities

by Caitlin Reidy

The PEZ containers shelved across the wall of the entry way sent a slight hint I was not stepping into an average diner. The Papermoon Diner, located at 227 W. 29th Street in Baltimore, offers a delicious variety of food and an entrancing atmosphere.

At first glance, no one would be capable to take in all the restaurant’s atmosphere has to offer. What struck me first were the walls, each painted in a different vibrant color. Plastered on the walls and drooping from the ceiling is almost anything and everything imaginable. Too name a few: action figures, chairs, dolls, doll houses, baskets, and a sled. Even the fans are decked out in unique décor, with the blades covered in assorted buttons. No table is hand painted with the same design; no one chair matches the next. One cannot possibly notice all of the decorations the first time through. I would know; a bald mannequin I didn’t notice at first scared me half to death as I exited the restroom.

The food ranges from breakfast dishes to sandwiches to diner dinner favorites. The service is fast paced and helpful. Living on a college budget, I found the pricing very affordable. If you are looking for a new place to eat, I recommend Papermoon Diner. You’ve probably never seen anything like it.

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